

LibreOffice Calcのマクロ実行中に画面更新を完全に無効にする

LibreOffice Calcでエクセルの
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

LibreOffice Calcでで画面更新を完全に無効にするには、マクロ動作時に不要なシートを非表示にするしかありません。

下記の2つのSub Procedureを考えました。
Sub ScreenSetFreeze ' 不要シート非表示、画面ロック設定
Sub ScreenUnsetFreeze ' 隠しシート表示、画面ロック解除

Option Explicit
REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Global oDoc As Object
Global oController As Object
Global oSheets As Object
Global ArraySheets() As Variant
' ########################################

Sub SetGlobalVar
	oDoc = ThisComponent 
	oController = oDoc.getCurrentController() 
	oSheets = oDoc.getSheets()
End Sub

Sub ScreenSetFreeze ' 不要シート非表示、画面ロック設定

	If (isnull(oDoc)) Then
		Call SetGlobalVar
	End If

	Dim SheetsCount As Integer
	Dim ActiveSheetName As String

	SheetsCount = oSheets.Count
	ActiveSheetName = oDoc.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet().Name
	Dim i As Long

	Erase ArraySheets()
	Redim ArraySheets()
'	ArraySheets <= マクロ実行前に各シートが表示・非表示を記録
	For i=0 to SheetsCount-1
		ReDim Preserve ArraySheets ( UBound( ArraySheets ) + 1 )
		ArraySheets(UBound( ArraySheets )) = CBool(oSheets.getByIndex(i).isVisible)
	For i=0 to SheetsCount-1
		If Not (oSheets.getByIndex(i).Name=ActiveSheetName) Then
			oSheets.getByIndex(i).isVisible = False
		End If


End Sub 'ScreenSetFreeze

Sub ScreenUnsetFreeze ' 隠されたシートを再表示、画面ロック解除

	If (isnull(oDoc)) Then
		Call SetGlobalVar
	End If
	Dim SheetsCount As Integer
	Dim ActiveSheetName As String

	SheetsCount = oSheets.Count
	ActiveSheetName = oDoc.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet().Name

	Dim i As Long
	For i=0 to SheetsCount-1
		If NOT (oSheets.getByIndex(i).Name=ActiveSheetName) Then
			If NOT (UBound( ArraySheets ) = -1) Then
				If CBool(ArraySheets(i)) Then
					oSheets.getByIndex(i).isVisible = True
				End If
			End If
		End If

End Sub 'ScreenUnsetFreeze

Sub Main

	If (isnull(oDoc)) Then
		Call SetGlobalVar
	End If
	Dim ActiveSheetName As String
	ActiveSheetName = oDoc.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet().Name

	Dim SheetsCount As Integer
	SheetsCount = oSheets.Count

	Dim oSheetName As String
	Dim oSheet As Object
	oSheetName = ActiveSheetName

	If SheetsCount>1 Then
		oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(1)
		oSheet = oSheets.getByName(oSheetName)
	End If

	Dim StartTime As Double
	Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
	StartTime = Timer

	Call ScreenSetFreeze ' ## 不要シート非表示、画面ロック設定 Application.ScreenUpdating = False

	Dim i As Long
	For i = 0 to 10000
		oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i).Value = i

	Call ScreenUnsetFreeze ' ## 隠されたシートを再表示、画面ロック解除 Application.ScreenUpdating = True

	SecondsElapsed = Timer - StartTime ' 経過時間(秒)を計測
	Msgbox("処理時間: " & SecondsElapsed & "秒")

End Sub 'Main